How do I use the transcript editor?

The transcript editor looks like a standard text editor and is intended to be used that way. However, embedded in the text are timecodes that are used to sync the text to the video. Whenever you make an edit, it will magically align to the timecodes so that your captions will stay in sync even after making changes. Do note that making big changes to long sequences of words could have unexpected results. For this reason, we advise that you stick to minor edits if possible. And if you've ordered our human-edited captions, there shouldn't be much to change at all.

Editing the transcript

In this screenshot, I had to remove a word and add some punctuation, just like I normally would in any text editor. Once you're happy with the changes, hit the Save button. Or you can use the Revert button now, or even after you save, to undo all your edits and revert back to the original transcript we delivered to you.

Once you've saved your changes, new captions with the updates will be generated and loaded into your video. You may need to wait a couple of seconds if the file is long. You'll see a confirmation message once the new captions are loaded into the video for preview.

Speaker IDs

Your transcript may or may not have speaker IDs, depending on if you requested them or not when making your order. Speaker IDs will show as bold and underlined text. If we need to add a speaker ID, we can click on the person icon in the toolbar. First make sure your cursor is located where you want to enter the speaker. This is usually the beginning of a paragraph.

You'll be prompted to enter the name or ID for the speaker, and then it will enter the speaker ID into the text.

Once the text has a speaker ID, you can edit it normally like any other text. Just remember, if it's bold and underlined it will be treated as a speaker ID.


You can use the Italics icon to toggle italics on text. You can highlight the text you want to italicize. If you don't highlight text, the italics will apply to the whole word where the cursor is located.


Flags are used as a way to bring some part of the text to your attention. It always appears as red text.

Our editors may not have felt confident about something and thought maybe you'd have more insight. However, our editors always use their best judgment so that if you ignore the flagged text or don't make a correction, the text should still read well. Also, the flag formatting has no bearing on the exported captions. It will be exported as regular text whether flagged or not.

If you need to make a correction to flagged text, just edit it normally. Then you can use the flag icon in the toolbar to remove the flag formatting from the text. You may also want to flag text for your own review process, in which case you can use the flag icon to apply the flag formatting.

Find and Replace

Tap the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar to open the Find and Replace tool. Enter the text you're searching for in the top and your search results will highlight as you type.

Match case is used when you want to run a case-sensitive search, matching the capitalization exactly.

Match word is used when you want to search for a whole word and not part of a word.

Use the arrows or the keyboard shortcuts F3 and Shift + F3 to navigate through the search results.

Enter text (or no text) in the bottom box, and click on Replace or Replace All for a quick way to make changes.

Find Flags can be used to search for any flags in the text.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available within the transcript editor.

  • Play/Pause Video Tab
  • Italic Ctrl + I
  • Flag Ctrl + Q
  • Add Speaker Ctrl + B
  • Save Ctrl + S
  • Undo Ctrl + Z
  • Redo Ctrl + Y
  • Find Next F3
  • Find Previous Shift + F3

What's next?

How do I download my captions?

How do I change my export options?

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