Refund Policy


Last updated April 07, 2023

Thank you for your order. We hope you are happy with the service. However, if you feel we have not met our promise in terms of accuracy and/or turnaround time, you may request a refund. Please see below for more information on our refund policy.


We offer guarantees on our service in regards to accuracy and turnaround. We promise that we will provide a deliverable of at least 99% accuracy. We promise the deliverable will be ready no later than the turnaround time requested by Customer. Failure to meet these promises shall result in a refund according to the terms set forth below.

When a turnaround promise has not been met, a partial refund will be issued. In the case that Customer requests the standard turnaround time, a $0.50 per minute of media's duration refund will be issued for the file in question. In the case that the customer requests and pays for faster turnaround times than standard, the 100% of the additional turnaround cost will be refunded for the file in question.


Our accuracy promises are contingent on the Customer providing media of "Good" quality, meaning audio that has been recorded in a controlled environment with one person speaking at a time, no technical defects, and minimal background noise. The Customer acknowledges that we will provide the highest quality product possible for media not of "Good" quality but cannot guarantee our accuracy promises.

For media of "Good" quality, we guarantee that 99% of the deliverable shall be accurate in terms of spelling, replication of speech to the extent requested by Customer, punctuation, and timing. Customers that feel this promise has not been met shall inform us within 30 calendar days upon completion of the order with an explanation the issue. If we find the request to conform to the terms set forth here, we will issue Customer a refund. In the case that the order only contains the file in question, a full 100% refund will be issued. In the case that the file in question is part of a multi-file order, 100% of the specific file's captioning cost will be refunded.


The turnaround time counter begins when payment has been received for the order and ends when an order is marked as completed. Customer will receive notice when an order is complete or will be able to view the order's status in their dashboard.

When a turnaround promise has not been met, Customer shall notify us. Customers that feel this promise has not been met shall inform us within 30 calendar days upon completion of the order with an explanation the issue. If we find the request to conform to the terms set forth here, we will issue Customer a refund. In the case that Customer requests the standard turnaround time, a $0.50 per minute of media's duration refund will be issued for the file in question. In the case that the customer requests and pays for faster turnaround times than standard, the 100% of the additional turnaround cost will be refunded for the file in question.
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